Aerial view of building exterior at night showing building and courtyard.



Queens University,Feni, established in 1996 and approved by UGC & Government, is one of the pioneers among the educational institute of Bangladesh, which works as “Centre of Excellence” by ensuring the tertiary level of education at affordable price. In every year, near about 1 million students are approaching towards tertiary level of education after passing the Higher Secondary level of Education. Maximum 5% of them are getting opportunity to be enrolled in public universities. The rest 95% has to struggle for the great dilemma of trading off between education quality and price. According to current scenario, most of the private universities offering quality education are highly expensive. Hence, it seems to a dead-end for the candidates of lower and middle-income groups, who are interested in tertiary level of education. By offering, a huge bunch of versatile courses in all the undergraduate & graduate programs, QUF aims to cultivate the potentiality, creativity, and independent ambitions of all students and facilitates them to enhance their level of competency professionally and personally. Our permanent campus is conveniently located in the heart of Feni metropolitan city with academic and recreational facilities. We enhance the opportunity of the success of our students by affiliating with many national & international corporate bodies, which facilitate our students to get scope for achieving practical experiences and job opportunities.


  • To ensure quality education imbued with ethical values.
  • To produce competent human resources, visionary leaders, and enlightened citizens.
  • To contribute in achieving the socio-economic development goals through education and innovative research.


To be a center of excellence in education and research for enlightening the society.